Getting Started With Data Science Bootcamp
A beginner-friendly Online Data Science Bootcamp for Data Science aspirants & enthusiasts - beginners
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About this course
Contributors & Instructors
What you will learn?
Course Content
1. Guidelines
2. Pre-Work
3. Week 1
Kick-Off Event
Module 1: Python Basics - Part 1
Module 1: Python Basics - Part 2
Recorded Session: Introduction to Fundamentals of Python and NumPy
Recorded Session: Dive Deep into Pandas
Recorded Session: Notebooks
Module 2: Data Analytics & Pandas
Module 2: Working with CSV files
4. Week 2
Recorded Session: Data Visualizations & Dive Deep into Matplotlib
Tutor Presentation
Notebook: Data Visualizations & Dive Deep into Matplotlib
Exploratory Data Analysis
Notebook: Exploratory Data Analysis
Recorded Session: Exploratory Data Analysis
Data Preparation 101
Recorded Session: Data Preparation 101
Recorded Session: Notebook
5. Week 3
Getting familiar with ML terms
Linear Regression
Classification and Logistic Regression
ML 101
Regression: Cost Functions and Evaluation Metrics
Multi-class Classification & Classification Evaluation Metrics
6. Additional Learning Materials
Supervised Learning Algorithms
Introduction to Ensemble Models
Ensembling Models and Hyper Parameter Tuning
An Overview of Boosting Algorithms
Introduction to Feature Importance and Feature Selection in Machine Learning
Presentation: Feature Selection
Notebook: Feature Selection
7. Assignments
Assignment Schedule & Instructions
Final Assignment: Applied Problem Solving