Data Analysis and Visualization 101 Bootcamp

Data Analysis and Visualization 101 Bootcamp

26 Tutorials
0 Exercises
Beginner Level
100% Online
Our Alumni Work At

About this course

Contributors & Instructors

What you will learn?

Course Content

Introduction to Data Analysis, Pandas and CSV files

Session: Diving Deep into Pandas


Introduction to Data Visualization

Introduction to Matplotlib

Basic Plots

Pyplot Formatting

Session: Data Visualization & Diving Deep into Matplotlib

Session Resources


Introduction to Seaborn

Outliers and Correlation

Advanced Plots

Introduction to Plotly and Dash

Basic Plotly Plots

Advance Plotly Plots

Introduction to Dash - Part 1

Introduction to Dash - Part 2

Session: Fundamentals of Plotly and Dash for Interactive Data Visualization

Session Resources


Introduction to Bokeh

Basic Bokeh Plots

Customizing Bokeh Graphs, Advanced Plotting and Interactive Visualizations

Final Assignment

[Ungraded] Building a Dash Application

Earn Recognition


Take the next step towards your Data Science learning journey and make most of the community learning