Ended on 5th Sep'22 03:30 PM (Coordinated Universal Time)
Data Sprint 88 - Abalone Age Prediction
Predict the age of abalone from physical measurements.
Challenge Starts
02 Sep 03:30 pm
Registration Ends
05 Sep 03:30 pm
Challenge Ends
05 Sep 03:30 pm
In cuisines around the world, abalones are delicacies and their shells are made into jewelry due to their iridescent luster. Abalones range in size from small to very large sea snails. As a result of abalone's economic value and demand, it's often harvested in farms, making physical measurements necessary for predicting its age. In the traditional method, the shell is cut through the cone, stained, and then counted under a microscope through their rings to determine its age.
A boring and time-consuming process is used to determine the age of abalone by cutting the shell through the cone, staining it, and counting the rings under a microscope. It is also possible to predict the age using other measurements, which are easier to obtain. Solving the problem may require additional information, such as weather patterns and location (hence food availability).
Your Task is to devise a Machine Learning model that helps us to predict the age of abalones from physical measurements.