array( )
You can use the array() function to create a numpy array.
You can see here the first row in arr is nothing but the first inner list [1, 2, 5, 7] and similarly the other rows are other inner lists index wise.
arange( )
Use arange() function to create collection of continuous integers.
Here, 10 means arange will generate first 10 integers starting from 0. Similarly if you pass 5 in bracket, it will generate numbers from 0 to 4 (i.e. first 5 integers) [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
zeros( )
If you want to create a collection of zero values, you can use the zeros() function available in NumPy.
The zeros() function creates an n-dimensional array of zeros. If no shape is specified, then it will create a one-dimensional array:
For instance, 5 means it will generate 5 zeros.
ones( )
In case you want collection of ones, NumPy has a function called ones().
Here 4 means ones() will generate 4 ones.
linspace( )
linspace() generates values which are equally spaced from each other.
If you don’t pass ‘num’ argument, it will generate 50 equally spaced values.